上个星期, 当我在家乡的时候, 我爸妈问了我, 感情的问题。。。
(1) - 我是爱他?还是同情他?
当时, 我回答: 我是爱他。。。
(2) - 如果结婚过后,有了孩子。 他病发, 我怎么办?
当时, 我回答: 我自己做工养孩子。。。
但昨天当我认真想时, 我真的越想越害怕以后的我怎么办因为我从没想过这个问题啊!!!
过后, 我想听我妈妈的声音, 我就打回去, 告诉我妈, 我正在想他们之前问的问题, 我妈对我说, 你做了决定, 就要对自己有自信!!!
之后, 我又想了想, 我要相信我自己!!!我一定能幸福的!!!
3 条评论:
Please think twice before you make one of the most important decision in your life.
You should consider the effects on yourself, your family members, you future children & other aspects of your life. The choice is simple, depends on how brave are you to make the right decison.
In our life, sometimes we make mistakes. Everybody also make mistakes. The most important is how we learn from our mistakes and do the right thing from now onwards.
Your friend is correct that life is short. But even it is short, perhaps we have ~50 years to go. So, why should we choose an extremely difficult way of life? Can't we just choose a simple & happy life?